
Hello. My name is Dr Toula Gordillo and I’m a practicing Clinical and Jungian psychologist. I am also a published author, international guest speaker, and research director at Shadow Work Solutions located in Australia.

Based on the work of Carl Jung, natural law philosophers and modern science, I help people to become more conscious of their unconscious thoughts, feelings and behaviours. My teaching and counselling method is called Story Image Therapy (SIT®) and it’s adjunct, SIT Shadow Work. Grounded in academic and practical Jungian action research, SIT is evidence-based. Its been used for over a decade in schools, medical centres, private organisations and businesses… The results have been AMAZING.

I specialise in healing our inner ‘wounded adolescent’ FOR ALL AGES. (That is, issues that occurred during our adolescent years that continue to cause us pain as an adult). I write young adult mythic fantasy fiction, psychological self-help books for adults and other resources. Together, they form the SIT Solutions program and workshops. 

Story Image Therapy (SIT®) uses evidence-based SIT tools (books, audiobooks, handouts, poster images etc) to:

  • engage a person’s imagination
  • help people become more self-aware
  • assist with positive stress coping and balance 
  • deliver holistic physical/mental health information   

(Some of the resources may be purchased individually on Amazon, Audible, Spotify, Feather Knight Books and other platforms)

Click HERE to learn more about me.  When it comes to modern health and wellness, my mantra is simple:

the more stories and images,
the better

SIT Books

SIT Books

Dr Toula’s books, audiobooks etc include: 1. Shadows of Sylvaheim (a YA mythic fantasy story used in SIT Shadow Work FOR ALL AGES), 2. The Rise of Jung in Me (Dr Toula’s own healing journey and six case studies of SIT Shadow Workto improve youth resilience), and 3. Coming soon! Frog and Scorpion in the Boardroom (a guide to SIT Shadow Work for professionals, managers and entrepreneurs in high stress/conflict situations). Dr Toula’s other SIT resources include the SIT Solutions program and workshop training manual.

SIT Program

SIT Program

The SIT Solutions program is designed for use with ALL individuals in business/corporate, education, healthcare and other community settings. SIT tools (books, posters, archetypal cards etc.) are used in the program to teach about holistic health, stress management, behavioural and mental health, and personality development ON AN UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL. The SIT Solutions program offers an introduction to SIT Shadow Work™. Attendance is required for those who wish to become a qualified Story Image Therapist.

SIT Workshops

SIT Workshops

The SIT Solutions workshops are for ALL AGES to educate, empower and heal themselves through stories and images. The workshops actively promote the removal of unconscious blockages (to achieve balance and facilitate achievement of personal goals) by recognising our shadow and the wounded child or adolescent within. Customised SIT Solutions workshops are based on Jungian psychology, natural law philosophy and modern science to meet the needs of individuals, groups, businesses and other organisations.


Shadows of Sylvaheim

As part of her doctoral research degree, Toula wrote a Young Adult (YA) mythic heroic fantasy novel now entitled Shadows of Sylvaheim. It is a coming-of-age story that describes two siblings’ heroic journey to confront and integrate their personal “shadows” in a mythical universe called Sylvaheim. The novel (now also available as an ebook and audiobook) is based on the teachings of Dr Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and the ancient Stoic/Taoist philosophers. (The novel is available for purchase from Amazon Australia, Amazon US or Feather Knight Books. The audiobook version is also available on Spotify, Audible and Google Play).

Story synopsis

Following a family trauma and the discovery of a huge family secret, sixteen-year-old Jack and his quirky sister Emily (14) are catapulted into a world of pain, and fantasy. In a symbolic exploration of the character’s unconscious mind, Jack battles an ogre, converses with a riddle-talking tree, falls in love with a sea nymph and visits Faerieland. His ultimate battle is to defeat Lord Batu Glass…a physical representation of a potential drug addiction ‘chasing’ Jack as he learns how to cope.

Separated from her brother by a huge hedge of silver, Jack’s sister, Emily, is simultaneously stuck in an Estonian bog whilst pursued by the new trickster goddess, Morgana. Emily’s character also gets her shadow ‘cut’ in a symbolic acknowledgement of confronting and integrating our own shadow in Jungian psychology. Soon after, she confronts her greatest fear as she escapes from a cave of magic with a Valkyrie from Norse mythology.

While the reader is absorbed in the story, they are learning effective ways of coping with grief and loss, poverty, trauma, drug and alcohol addictions. It is a teaching tool, used during Story Image Therapy, SIT education and SIT Shadow Work™ for all ages.

“Mental health problems are rising INTERNATIONALLY. Clearly, our present methods are ineffective or insufficient. I propose we do something different. It begins with becoming aware of our shadow.” ~ Dr Toula Gordillo.

Shadows of Sylvaheim final audiobook cover Jungian Youthjpg

Latest reviews

Shadows of Sylvaheim

By Marianne Curley – International Bestselling YA Fantasy Author 2021

“I really believe you have a winning book there, and with your expertise, one that will help young people (and their adult carers). You can’t get better than that!  Best wishes, Marianne”.

By Dominic Towler – Guidance Officer, Chancellor State College 2022

“Seen through the eyes of teenagers Jack and Emily, Dr Gordillo cleverly manages to intertwine self-sabotaging self-talk and other common undermining habits of this age group with Jungian psychology…  Shadows offers people a chance to step back and consider some of the really important values in life – trust, authentic relationships, family and self-belief.”

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